Unwanted body hair removal doesn’t have to be a chore! Our powerful laser treatments are specifically designed to cater to a wide range of skin tones and sensitivities. The lasers work by the emitting light energy that heats hair follicles at their source. Once hit, the follicles are permanently damaged and are then unable to produce new, full-grown hair.
Vectus Laser System
This powerful diode laser targets hairs with with intense precision while leaving your skin completely intact. The Vectus system comes equipped with the Skintel melanin reader. This reader allows the Vectus to determine your specific melanin density, allowing us to deliver treatments specifically geared toward your skin type safely and effectively.
Cutera Nd:Yag
Our wonderful pigment friendly Nd:Yag laser is designed for darker skin tones and doubles as an excellent hair removal device. An ideal treatment choice, the Cutera offers permanent results with little to no downtime needed!
Before Your Treatment:
- Please be sure to apply sunscreen regularly as sunburned skin is not eligible for treatment.
- Avoid skin irritants such as products that contain Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl, peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents and Vitamin C for at least 2 weeks before your appointment.
- Do not use self-tanning agents for at least 2 weeks before treatment. If you have used these products, thoroughly cleanse the area with an abrasive/exfoliating scrub to remove all products 2 weeks prior to any treatment.
- DO NOT pluck or wax for at least 1 month prior to your first treatment, continuing through the course of your treatments.
- DO NOT bleach or use “Nair”-type products for 2 weeks prior to treatment as this can irritate the skin.
- Please do not wear any makeup, perfume or lotions in the treatment area prior to your treatment session.
- Before each treatment, please inform us if you are taking any new antibiotics or medications, as they may make your skin photosensitive and not eligible for treatment.
- Please shave the treatment area before each procedure, unless otherwise instructed.
Laser hair removal treatment results can be seen after 1 treatment, but for a fresh and hairless look multiple sessions may be required. When you visit our center, we will create a custom treatment package designed specifically for your skin tone and hair concentration. Most treatments typically take 6-8 sessions, but always lead to a dramatic reduction or complete elimination of body hair.
After Your Treatment:
- If treating the face, please continue using sunscreen daily for the entire treatment period.
- Avoid hot water and irritants until initial skin irritation subsides. We will recommend soothing products for you to use. Advil or Motrin can be helpful.
- Avoid any irritants to your face, such as those containing Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids or astringents for at least 2 days after treatment.
- Do not wear tight, constricting clothing over the treated area as irritation can occur and your skin may not be able to cool properly.
- Do not exercise, receive any body treatments, take hot showers, use saunas or use hot tubs until the skin is back to normal
Why go off Cape? Get that clean beach bod look by visiting Laser Aesthetics today. Join the Laser Aesthetics family today by calling 508-778-6363 or submitting your information via the form below. Refer a friend or family member today and receive $50 towards your next treatment purchase or service package. Book your Laser Hair Removal appointment today. You won’t regret it, that’s our Cape Cod guarantee.