Darks spots and skin marks tend to crop up naturally as we age. However, what can be occasional visitors to some, may be lifelong nuisances to others. Some are lucky to have 1 or 2 age spots, but what if you’re plagued by a whole army? At Laser Aesthetics of Cape Cod we feel your pain and are here to help. Our IPL laser treatment option has been shown to be one of the best solutions for fighting signs of aging. The best part? IPL treatments are non-invasive and results are fast!
Intense pulse light (IPL) by Cutera Limelight is a fast and safe treatment option for removing sun and age spots. IPL works by delivering hot light energy to pigmented spots on your skin. IPL’s laser focus allows for precise age spot removal without damage to surrounding skin. The best part of the IPL treatment is that it requires no anesthetic. The versatility of IPL makes it an excellent choice for spot removal on the face, chest, arms, legs, and hands – pretty much anywhere on the body!
The treatment will involve using the IPL handpiece to target specific parts of your body. The device will feel cool and comfortable against your skin, causing no irritation. At most, you may feel a mild pinch as the laser does its job. The treatment will only take a few minutes and can easily be done during your lunch hour. Typically 3 or more treatments may be needed to remove most spots, but additional sessions may be required when addressing very large or particularly dark areas.
Before Your Treatment:
- Please don’t wear any makeup to your appointment.
- Avoid skin irritants such as products that contain: Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl, peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents and Vitamin C 1 week prior to your appointment.
- Do not wax or use depilatory creams 1 week prior to your appointment.
Following treatment, you may experience some skin redness – this is completely normal and will subside in a couple of hours. Treated spots may also appear darker than before. In 1 to 3 weeks time, the darkened spots will gradually fade and flake off, resulting in a clean and clear complexion.
After Your Treatment:
- Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning beds.
- Apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 20 daily to maintain improved skin.
- Avoid skin irritants such as products that contain: Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl, peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents and Vitamin C for 1 week after your appointment.
- Do not wax or use depilatory creams for 1 week after your appointment.
- Avoid picking at lentigines (treated areas) and they will naturally flake and fall off.
- In case of crusting beyond the normal flaking of the treated lesions, use an antibiotic ointment such as Polysporin or Bacitracin.
- Applying makeup immediately after treatment is not recommended, please wait until the following day.
Laser Aesthetics has been an active member of the Cape Cod community for over 10 years. We care about our community and want to extend you the offer of joining the Laser Aesthetics family. Call 508-778-6363 or submit your information via the form below to book your Titan Cutera appointment today. Refer a friend or family member today and receive $50 towards your next treatment purchase or service package. Why go off Cape when you can experience skin tightening right here at home? Visit us today.